Dedicated to Excellence!

Fine Art

We all have passions!  If your passion is to collect fine arts and other collectibles, then you need the proper coverage!


Items that have a value that is established by their rarity or antiquity are generally referred to as Fine Arts.  While most policies do not specifically limit or exclude settlement amounts for a Fine Arts claim, establishing a per item value can avoid real problems should you have a claim.  Also, you may very well decide that you require special, so-called “all risk” protection for your valuables.

While it’s very easy to figure out how much you will receive should your television or refrigerator be damaged in a covered loss, it’s anything but easy to correctly adjust a claim for the table where George Washington had his morning coffee and has now gone up in smoke!

In order to establish the correct value for your valuables, we recommend that you obtain appraisals from a licensed and reputable appraiser.

After obtaining appraisals, you need to meet with us.  We can suggest what type of policy or policy-add-on, called a floater, can best meet your needs.

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